Sunday, December 4, 2011

Loving my bestfriend Luke....

I've written this about a few month ago, Luke haven't seen or read it until I posted it on PL..... 

for you baby, this is how I feel about you then......

Loving my bestfriend….
That’s how we are, BESTFRIENDS….
 But I don’t want us to be just friends.
I wanted him, I ached, no, actually hungered, 
I wanted to eat him in three greedy bites…..
It was not something you called a love at first sight, 
it is love at second sight, 

although it took me awhile to realized that I was then hopelessly, 
devotedly in love with him.

Almost five years after losing my heart to him, 
and just watching him wander in my way. 

My heart has simply flipped over within my chest, 
dancing, spinning for him… 

until now it still do the same little dance, same beat, 
same rhythm after Five years…, so many years.
More than six feet of mouthwatering, throat drying, 
smooth talking male made up this guy. 
He had the long, lean, muscled build of a runner, 
broad shoulders, narrow of waist and hip, 
and the loose-hipped gait of a cowboy. 
Dark brown hair fell over his forehead, 
tempting me to brush it out of that impossibly handsome face.
Sex appeal in spades, there was no doubt he had that. 
I could feel my body go on alert whenever he was within ten feet of me.

Heart racing, mouth dry, nipples erect and my groin tight and wet, and hoping that one day I would have a mind-blowing orgasm with him.

 He was my walking wet dream, 
I could come. with just a simple touch from him.

But the most mesmerizing feature about him was his eyes, 
the kind of eyes that could put you in a trance.

Thickly lashed, heavy lidded eyes, 
with golden brown irises ringed by darkest brown.

They could flash hot with need, burn with anger, 
or freeze with disdain. Every emotion was reflected in those eyes.

When he turned them on me, 
they held nothing but the deepest affection.

Affection for a friend, dammit!

His face, his looks, his everything is sketch into my mind, 
I can paint him just by closing my eyes and imagining him smiling at me, loving me, but too bad, love can’t be painted or I will paint our love every day.
He was arrogant, cocky, funny, and most of the time, 
the sweetest guy any woman could possibly want.

He will make your heart melt with a smile and hello.
A simple hug and kisses that I wanted to return, not as a friend, but a lover.

I’ve been waiting for him to make the move,
just one move, but he didn’t, not even looked.

Because he would always look the other way around, and always has another girl in his arms.

How can he look at me, when there is always a pretty stupid bitch hanging around.

He would actually come to me for a friendly talk, friendly teasing. 
Asking me why I don’t have a man of my own.

Dammit, that’s the biggest question.
I can I answer by saying, "I don’t have time" or 
"just plain I don’t want a relationship right now."

But dang! The man I loved for so long is just 
in front of me and he’s just too damn stupid to not know it.

Hey, I’m here, I’m alive! Just take a good look 
and you’ll know how I feel, how I loved you for so long.

I remember one time he asked me, “Are you alright, do you want anything, you need someone to talk to? I’m your best friend, let me help you.”

I was like, yeah, you’re the best friend I ever have and you’re my problem dammit. Can’t you realized that?
Just leave me alone or else I’m gonna just breakdown because I’m too full of emotions because of him, I’m gonna burst, and I’ll turn into pieces.

I can’t remember how many I wish to God, please just help me, I wanna get out of this feelings, its killing me, can you please give me a chance to love another, not this guy, he doesn’t love me, the way I want him to love me.

But I think He didn’t hear me, not hearing until now,I hope whatever it is that was His planning for me, for us, I‘ll find out soon or I don’t know what I’m gonna do, I want a sign, just a sign…..

I don't want a fairy tale, but I wanted a happy ending....

Luke, this is what I felt for you then and you know how I feel for you now. Although I'm still not good in telling you or showing how I feel, you're the expert on that, but baby, I love you so much, more than I could possibly loved someone.

You're the life that I breathe, and you always take my breath away....


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